Wednesday, May 27, 2009


There's a guy named Luis and everyone hated him because he loved stalking people. Luis was a creeper, he always walked with an ax in his hand just to be cool. Luis would stalk the random est people. Luis likes this girl named Ciara and every single day he would stalk Ciara. Ciara thought he was cute but she didn't talk to him because everyone hated him. One Afternoon while Ciara was waiting for her dad to pick her up by the curb, she spotted Luis standing in a nearby bush. She looked around to see if no one was there then she called him over, "Hey Luis!" she shouted. "Me?!", he said excitedly and questionable. "Yeah you!" Luis ran over as fast as he could with his axe in one hand and his face with a gigantic smile. Ciara looked at him strangely. While he was running with the ax in his hand, he fell and he ended up slicing his head in half as the blood squirted out, Ciara was shocked not knowing what to do, she tried to run away from the body and thought that she was the one who killed him. Later on Ciara got arrested for murder and is in Juvenile hall, for three years till she turns 18, then she is going to prison doing 25 years to life. Ciara got depressed and didn't know what to do. While Ciara was eating lunch in Juvenile hall she was spreading butter on her bread with a butter knife, so she decided to stab her heart so she would die and b with Luis forever! Ciara Stabbed her heart right there and then. But right before she killed herself she yelled, " This is for you Luis! I love you and I don't care if everyone hates you! goodbye everyone!" Ciara was DEAD.


One night all I did was go on aim and talked to my friends continuously. I was laying on my queen bed with lavender sheets and and with mynket over me. My dark brown hair was up in a messy looking ponytail. I got up and looked at the mirror, "I look icky!" I told myself. I was very tired, my hands were laying on the heated keyboard. While I was reading the instant messages, my eye lids kept closing constantl blay. I felt like I was half alseep. Although I was exhausted I tried not to sleep because I wanted to stay awake until six in the morning for no reason. My body kept telling me to sleep but I just kept saying, "Nuhuh! I have to stay awake!" My body felt so icky because my room was heated. I like I wanted to jump into a cooler of ice.


Last year for fourth of July I went to the rec center. At the rec it was really hot and crowded. The more people there were, the hotter it got. While I was at the rec walking around with my friends all I heard was a bunch of people laughing. The rides sounded like motorcycle engines about to start. The heat of the sun felt as if it was melting my skin down. I saw this stand selling Italian ice and I bought the blueberry flavored ice. As soon as I put the Italian ice on my tongue I thought, "Yum this taste like flavored fluffy snow." The Italian ice seemed to cool me down. The sun kept dogging me. There wasn't that much trees to give me shade.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Light Lemon Basil and Shrimp Pasta


In my humanities class we decided to grow herbs because we had a project called Lets Use Less Stuff(L.U.L.S.). For the L.U.L.S. project our class did researches on living more sustainably. In order to all of us to live sustainably we planned on growing herbs just like the farmer's market. Cooking with the herbs made us live sustainably because we used less money, and we grew the herbs organically.


The ingredients I used for cooking my lemon basil were: lemon basil, olive oil, linguine, salt & pepper, 1 lemon, and 1 garlic clove.

First I boiled the linguine, while I was boiling the linguine I added olive oil to a skillet.
Then I zest the lemon and put it in the skillet with olive oil to let it simmer.
After the lemon zest simmered I drained the olive oil to get rid of the lemon zest.
I poured the olive oil back into the skillet and placed the chopped garlic clove into the skillet and put the cooked shrimp in the skillet to saute' it. When the shrimp in the skillet turned pink I put the pasta in the skillet and added salt, pepper and a bit of lemon basil. Next I placed the pasta on a plate & then baaam! Im done!(=

click here for recipe



At first I thought the Lemon Basil Pasta with Shrimp would be disgusting but then I took a bite and it was SCRUMPTIOUS! then I gave it to my sister and she ate all the pasta and took some to school for lunch. I don't think I would have changed anything because it turned out perfect,even though i doubted it would be good. I think cooking with herbs kind of changed my thinking in a way because it made me want to grow more herbs!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

This I Believe Essays


I like this essay because the lady tells you about how much alcohol can kill you, I also like the quote she said “What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.”


I like this essay because he talks about how him & his wife never have arguments. I like how they stick with each other through thick and thin.
San Diego,CA

I like this essay because she talks about how her and her mom have gotten close. I also like how she said that mothers are not obligated to love their children, but they do because they want to.