Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2nd semester goals

1. I am different now than last August because when i first came here I was all quiet because I felt uncomfortable going to a school where I didn't have friends. And when I came to high tech high I started learning new things.

2. I think the important skills would be cooperating in class, completing the blogs and homework's,and update your DP.
because I noticed if you don't complete the blogs and update your DP it really affects your grade.

3. One thing i would want to improve this semester would be completing the blogs & updating my DP. I will complete this by the end of the semester.

4. I am curious about abortion; I would study abortion because it gets me thinking...
like why do women get abortions?I don't think its right for women to get an abortion. There are many things I'm curious about but I can't think of any at the moment.