Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hi my name is Nia, Im as tall as a short tree at the height of 5'1. My hair is the color of dark brown like roasted almonds. When im with my friends i like to be loud like a tiger roaring in the jungle. Whenever you see me you'll see me laughing and smiling. I am as light as butter. I love chocolate like a monkey loves bananas.

I am a light skinned Filipino. I have hair the color of roasted almonds. I always Laugh Out Loud, and people say I have a big smile. I used to have long hair back in 7th grade, and that was the middle school year! A tree standing at 5'1 is my height. I love to munch on chocolate.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Epic

1. Epic is a stong heroic long poem

2. "Well Agamemnon, it looks as if we'd better give up and sail home-assuming any of us are left alive-if we gave to fight both the war and plague.But why not consult some prophet or priest or a dream interpreter, since dreams too came from Zeus, who could tell us why Apollo is so angry, If it's for a vow or a sacrifice he holds us at fault.Maybe he'd willing to lift this plague from us if he savored the smoke from lambs and prime goats." [Lines 67-75] Epic poems have long quotes

"And Achilles, strong, swift, and godlike" [Line 129] An Epic has strong descriptive words

"Daughter of Zeus" [Line 212] Epic poems don't say the daughter/sons name because instead they say the father/mothers name because they think its more important

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This picture seems like they were fighting to get the daughter back.I chose this picture because this is probably the only epic poem i read and I think this is the only epic poem I know.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Anyways last week I found out my old best friend Monika is going to HTHMA , and she told me that she was going to start next week like on the 15th of September. But today when I came home from school all of a sudden when i sign on aim she instant messages me and says "Nia! Im going to HTHMA tomorrow!" , As I read that sentence I just froze.. I it couldn't believe it! I felt as if she told me a lie. AHAH.... but like yeah I can't wait thought because I will actually have a friend who i've known for a long time that goes to HTHMA. I've known Monika eversince 1st grade, Monika and I used to be bestfriends. But when we got into middle school we drifted apart because of friends also because we always got into fights.Everytime we fight we always make up.... Well I'll try and finish this up later im going to go downstairs. goodnight & goodbye!(=

Monday, September 1, 2008

My hero

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Harriet Tubman is my hero because she was a runaway slave. Ms. Tubman also helped the other slaves to runaway by making an underground railroad. Harriet was brave enough to keep going back and to save other slaves.Harriet even left her husband because he didn't want to go back to the place to help the other slaves escape because he thought that they would get caught.If it wasn't for Ms. Tubman then probably the slaves would have been killed.

I believe that nobody would think of Harriet Tubman as a villain because if she never help the slaves then probably till this day we would still have slavery.Probably if people did think she was a villain then maybe they were just mean and brutal to other people.