Monday, September 8, 2008


Anyways last week I found out my old best friend Monika is going to HTHMA , and she told me that she was going to start next week like on the 15th of September. But today when I came home from school all of a sudden when i sign on aim she instant messages me and says "Nia! Im going to HTHMA tomorrow!" , As I read that sentence I just froze.. I it couldn't believe it! I felt as if she told me a lie. AHAH.... but like yeah I can't wait thought because I will actually have a friend who i've known for a long time that goes to HTHMA. I've known Monika eversince 1st grade, Monika and I used to be bestfriends. But when we got into middle school we drifted apart because of friends also because we always got into fights.Everytime we fight we always make up.... Well I'll try and finish this up later im going to go downstairs. goodnight & goodbye!(=

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

That is so cool! She's my advisee too!